The Essential 8 Cybersecurity Model: What Australian Organizations Need to Know

What does it take to prevent a cyber attack? That’s what the Essential 8, a set of risk mitigation strategies designed to help organizations in Australia improve cybersecurity, seeks to define. 

As cyber threats evolve and threat actors refine their attack strategies, the risk of cyber-attack continues to climb in Australia and around the world. In 2023, the average data breach cost for Australian organizations was AUD $4.03 million, an increase of 32% over the past five years. Ninety-five percent of organizations in Australia have experienced more than one data breach, with finance, technology, and education sectors experiencing the highest costs.

To slow the onslaught of attacks and make it harder for threat actors to accomplish their goals, organizations need a clearly defined cybersecurity strategy. 

That’s what the Essential 8 is designed to do.

What is the Essential 8 Cybersecurity Model?

The Essential 8 Cybersecurity framework consists of 8 cybersecurity strategies designed by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) to help organizations mitigate the risk of cyber attack. Additional protocols may be needed in certain technology environments, but these 8 protocols serve as a robust security baseline in most cases. 

The 8 strategies are: 

  • Application Control – Prevent non-approved applications from running to reduce the risk of malicious programs being installed.
  • Patch Applications – Implement application updates quickly, especially those designed to fix vulnerabilities in applications connected to the internet.
  • Configure Microsoft Office Macro Settings – Avoid automatic execution of malicious code by disabling macros in Microsoft Office.
  • User Application Hardening – Disable unnecessary application functionalities, block ads, conduct regular updates, and follow principles of least privilege to minimize risk.
  • Restrict Administrative Privileges – Safeguard administrative accounts, eliminate standing admin privileges, and use technical controls to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access.
  • Patch Operating Systems – Install all patches and updates for operating systems to address vulnerabilities and bugs.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication – Create multiple layers of security by requiring more than one identifier to authenticate user identity.
  • Daily Backups – Back up data daily so that systems can be quickly restored after a cyber incident or outage. 

Is the Essential 8 Mandatory in Australia? 

In 2017, the Australian government implemented the Essential 8 cybersecurity framework and mandated compliance for all federal departments. Compliance is also highly recommended for businesses and may be required in some cases, especially for organizations that handle sensitive data or personal information. However, compliance is not currently mandatory for all businesses. 

Compliance with the Essential 8 framework is measured in 3 tiers, or maturity levels. Maturity Level 1 indicates partial alignment, Maturity Level 2 indicates substantial alignment, and Maturity Level 3 indicates complete alignment. The ASD recommends that all organizations aim for Maturity Level 3 as they build their cybersecurity strategies.

How CyberFOX Helps You Comply With the Essential 8

At CyberFOX, we specialize in limiting the potential for cyber attacks by managing passwords and privileged access. Our tools support compliance with Essential 8 guidelines by helping you:

  • Implement Least Privilege Principles – Our privileged access management tool, AutoElevate, removes local admin rights and easily enforces least privilege without frustrating end users.
  • Eliminate Standing Admin Accounts – Prevent accidental or intentional sharing of administrative credentials by eliminating standing admin accounts. Instead, use customized rules to automate just-in-time access when it is needed.
  • Protect Passwords and Credentials – Our password manager protects user credentials and enables secure access and sharing. Role-based access ensures that team members can manage their accounts from any device.

Protect Your Network from the Inside Out

Comprehensive cybersecurity includes minimizing risks and vulnerabilities from inside your systems that could open the door to cyber attacks. Privileged access management and password management are two foundational steps for any cybersecurity strategy, because they lock down your system and close doors that threat actors could use to gain access. 

As you work toward Essential 8 compliance, CyberFOX partners with you to close security gaps and keep your network safe. Contact us today to learn more!